Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya Yojana | हमारा घर हमारा विद्यालय योजना लाभ | हमारा घर हमारा विद्यालय योजना सभी जानकारी | MP Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya In Hindi

Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya Scheme 2022
Under this program, students from grades 1 to 8 of Madhya Pradesh are home-schooled. In this MP Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya, students study, write stories and prepare notes. Every student learns, develops skills and gains experience from every opportunity. The families of the students in the state are also included in their studies. Classes begin at 10am in hourly groups of each lesson. The school bell is used in the morning before classes begin, and only then do classes begin. Under this program, the School Education Department of MP provides the students as well as their parents with the timetable for learning online education.
The aim of our house is our school program 2022
As you know, due to the Corona virus, there is a lockdown situation across India and due to the lockdown, all educational institutions across the country are closed. Because of this, the students of the school cannot study. Hence, Madhya Pradesh Government has decided to start this program to provide education to the students. As part of our house, our school program 2022, schoolchildren from grades 1 to 8 will be taught at home. This program represents an emotional family initiative. In addition to education, students also benefit from other activities such as entertainment, yoga and sports. To brighten the future of the students of Madhya Pradesh through this program.
MP Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya Yojana update
As part of this program, the school’s teachers receive information by visiting the children’s homes or by contacting them by telephone. There are 2433 primary schools and 787 secondary schools in the district. In it, a total of 1 lakh 74,000 307 children study. All of these children’s education is now taking place at home.” DPC OP Banade said that between July 1 and July 4, books will be distributed to the parents of children from all state schools. Apart from that, everyday activities are carried out. There will be a Balsabha from Monday to Friday from 4pm to 5pm. From 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the children learn independently. Masti Ki Pathshala is organized every Saturday. Education takes place via radio, television and mobile phones.
Benefits of Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya Yojana
- The benefits of this program are made available to the students of Madhya Pradesh.
- The benefit of Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya Yojana 2022 is granted to the students of grades I to VIII. Due to the closure of the school, the children are now being educated at home.
- Beginning July 6, the children will be homeschooled as part of this program.
- The school environment is made available to the students at home.
- Under MP Hamara Ghar Hamara Vidyalaya 2022 the teacher class starts in the morning with the school bell.
- The lessons take place from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and last 1 hour.
- In this scheme, the school bell rings at the students’ house and the teachers begin the students’ classes after the bell rings.
- From Monday to Friday there is study time while on Saturday entertainment activities are organized as part of the Masti ki Pathshala program.
The time slots for Classes 1 and 2 for Monday to Friday are as follows:-
- 10:00-11:00 to access DigiLEP video broadcast on mobile
- 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. to listen to the school radio program
- 12pm to 1pm for worksheets and activities
- 4pm to 5pm for co-scholastic activities.
- 7pm to 8pm to hear stories from parents and write them in copies.
- The time slots for grades 3 to 8 are based on their cleverly expanded workbook.
- On Saturday, students will be involved in entertainment activities as part of the Masti ki Pathshala program, which will be launched soon.
- As part of this program, teachers also collect feedback from students and parents.
Our home Our school program 2022 timetable
The online lesson plan is now available for the students in grades 1 through 8 in this program. We have given below the schedule of Hamar Ghar Hamar Vidyalaya for grades 1 to 2.