प्रधानमंत्री सौभाग्य योजना: ऑनलाइन आवेदन | एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म व हेल्पलाइन नंबर

सौभाग्य योजना प्रधानमंत्री ऑनलाइन | PM Saubhagya Scheme Apply | पीएम सौभाग्य योजना एप्लीकेशन फॉर्म | PM Saubhagya Yojana Helpline Number |

Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana was established by Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to provide electricity to the country’s poor families. Under this program, economically poor people of the country who cannot get electricity (Economic poor people of the country cannot get electricity) and live without electricity, these families get free electricity from central government. This scheme is also known as Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana known.

Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana (Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana)

This program involves poor families in both rural and urban areas of the country. The country’s people were selected to be connected based on the 2011 Social, Economic and Ethnic Census). whose name is not listed in this census can get electricity by paying only Rs. 500 and this is also Rs. 500. He can pay ten simple installments.

J&K Administration’s goal achieved 100%

Jammu and Kashmir has reached 100% electrification target under Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana. The Jammu and Kashmir government is actively working to ensure electrification in every village. As part of this program, 357,405 houses in Jammu and Kashmir were electrified. Jammu and Kashmir was awarded a Rs 100 crore reward by the Indian government for reaching the target of 100 percent electrification ahead of schedule. In some villages of Saghal in the district of Udhampur in Jammu and Kashmir, the availability of electricity has been secured for the first time. Apart from that, electricity availability was also ensured in Keller in Shopia district of rural Kashmir. Electricity has also become available in villages and hilly areas of Naushera Mandal of Rajouri.

Through the Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana, camps are organized in a village or group of villages to facilitate the issuance of electricity connections and the completion of application forms by the distribution company. The electronically completed application form is uploaded to the portal. Apart from that, the Garv app has also been launched by the government for running this program. Their purpose is to oversee and oversee the implementation of electrification programs.

Goal of PM Saubhagya Program 2022

As you know, there are many such houses in the country, but there is still no electricity, and these people live without electricity due to their economic poverty, which causes them to face many problems. . In order to overcome all these problems, under this program, the central government has established the Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana to provide free electricity connections to poor families in rural and urban areas of the country who do not have electricity and illuminate their homes that he be life can live comfortably.

Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana Highlights

योजना का नाम प्रधानमंत्री सौभाग्य योजना
इनके द्वारा शुरू की गयी प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेंद्र मोदी के द्वारा
लॉन्च की तारीक 25 सितम्बर 2017
लाभार्थी देश के गरीब परिवार
उद्देश्य गरीब लोगो को मुफ्त में बिजली कनेक्शन देना
आवेदन का तरीका ऑनलाइन
ऑफिसियल वेबसाइट https://saubhagya.gov.in/

List of selected localities under Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana

  • A state in eastern India
  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Madhya Pradesh
  • Odisha
  • Jharkhand
  • Jammu and Kashmir
  • Rajasthan
  • Northeastern States

Estimated number of beneficiary families

कुल ग्रामीण परिवार 1796 lakh
विद्युतीकृत ग्रामीण परिवार 1336 lakh
शेष अविद्युतीकृत ग्रामीण परिवार 460 lakh
BPL परिवार जिनको DDUGJY के अंतर्गत स्वीकृति मिल गई हो लेकिन अभी तक विद्युतीकृत नहीं किया गया है 179 lakh
शेष परिवार 281 lakh
शहरी क्षेत्रों में आर्थिक रूप से गरीब आविद्युतिकृत परिवार 50 lakh
कुल आसिद्युतिकृत परिवार जो अभी तक कवर ना किए गए हो 331 lakh


Financial support under Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana

Serial Number Agency Nature of support Quantum of support(% of project cost) Quantum of support(% of project cost)
      Other than special category state Special category state
1. Government of India Grant 60 85
2. Utility/State contribution Own fund 10 5
3. Loan(financial institutions/banks) Loan 30 10
4. Additional grants from Government of India on achievement of prescribed milestone Grant 50% of total loan component (30%) i.e. 15% 50% of the total loan component(10%) i.e. 5%
5. Maximum grant by government of India (including additional grant on achievement of prescribed milestone) Grant 75% 90%


State status of electrified households in the country

 सीरियल नंबर  राज्य कुल ग्रामीण परिवार (in lakh) विद्युतीकृत परिवार (in lakh) अविद्युतीकृत परिवार (in lakh)  
 1.  आंध्र प्रदेश  112.78  112.78 0
 2.  अरुणाचल प्रदेश  2.32  1.51 0.81
 3.  आसाम  51.88  27.78 24.10
 4.  बिहार  123.46  58.76 64.70
 5.  छत्तीसगढ़  45.06  38.64 6.42
 6.  गोवा  1.28  1.28 0.00
 7.  गुजरात  66.59  66.59 0.00
 8.  हरियाणा  34.24  27.42 6.82
 9.  हिमाचल प्रदेश  14.70  14.57 0.13
 10.  जम्मू एंड कश्मीर  12.91  10.21 2.70
 11.  झारखंड  54.81  24.39 30.42
 12.  कर्नाटका  94.94  87.78 7.16
 13.  केरला  71.04  71.04 0.00
 14.  मध्य प्रदेश  114.00  69.05 44.95
 15.  महाराष्ट्र  139.14  135.53 3.61
 16.  मणिपुर  3.88  2.81 1.07
 17.  मेघालय  4.63  3.24 1.39
 18.  मिजोरम  1.10  0.99 0.11
 19.  नागालैंड  1.60  0.72 0.88
 20.  उड़ीसा  86.60  53.98 32.62
 21.  पंजाब  36.89  36.89 0.00
 22.  राजस्थान  90.07  69.93 20.14
 23.  सिक्किम  0.37  0.32 0.05
 24.  तमिल नाडु  102.83  102.83 0.00
 25.  तेलंगाना  59.73  55.63 4.10
 26.  त्रिपुरा  7.96  5.80 2.16
 27.  उत्तर प्रदेश  302.34  155.87 146.47
 28.  उत्तराखंड  17.32  15.47 1.85
 29.  वेस्ट बंगाल  138.26  136.93 1.33
 30.  पुडुचेरी  1.02  1.02 0.00
 कुल  1793.87  1389.81 404.06


Key Facts by PM Saubhagya Yojana

  • As part of the PM Saubhagya 2022 program, the central government will give every home a solar pack with five LED lights and a fan in areas of the country where electricity is not yet available.
  • Under this program, the government will also provide 200-300Wp solar power packs along with a battery bank for non-electrified households in remote and inaccessible areas, containing 5 LED lights, 1 DC fan and 1 DC plug.
  • The government’s goal is to provide electricity to every household in every village and town under the central government’s Saubhagya program.
  • The central government has allocated a budget of Rs 16,320 crore for the implementation of PM Saubhagya Yojana.
  • The government will bear the cost of repairing the battery bank for five years.
  • Under this program, the government will also provide subsidies for equipment such as transformers, cables, and meters.
  • Electricity connection camps are organized in each village.

Total budget of Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana

The government has set a budget of Rs 16,320 crore for PM Saubhagya’s programme. Under this scheme, the government has also provided a government grant of Rs 12,320 crore. Under Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana the maximum share of the budget was kept for rural areas. A budget of Rs 14,025 crore has been set by the Government for rural areas and a budget of Rs 2.50 crore for urban areas.

Properties of Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana

  • Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana was introduced on October 11, 2017
  • The main goal of launching the program is to bring electricity to every household.
  • Because of this scheme, Rural Electrification Corporation Limited was set as the node agency for the sister
  • The beneficiaries of the provision of free electricity through this program will be selected as part of the 2011 Socio-Economic Caste Census

Benefits of Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana

  • The benefits of this program will reach poor families in both rural and urban areas of the country.
  • Pradhanmantri Saubhagya Yojana will certainly help improve the country’s overall economic development and create employment opportunities for the youth.
  • The country’s poor families are provided with free electricity connections.
  • Under Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana, 3 million poor people will benefit.
  • Solar packs are provided in the areas where it is not possible to get electricity.
  • 5 LED lights, a DC fan, a DC power plug and the government will cover the repair costs for five years.
  • The interested beneficiaries who want to get free electricity connection under this program are required to apply under this program.

Ineligibility under the Saubhagya program

  • The family with 2/3/4 wheeler or fishing boat.
  • Households with agricultural equipment with 3 to 4 wheels.
  • Households with a Kisan credit card limit over Rs 50,000.
  • Government employees cannot take advantage of this system either.
  • These families registered by the government in the non-agricultural sector.
  • If a family member earns more than ₹10000, that family is also not eligible for this program.
  • The benefit of this system is not provided even if there is an income tax paying member in the family.
  • If the professional tax is paid by a family member, that family will not benefit from this rule either.
  • The benefit of this scheme is not granted even if there is a refrigerator or a landline phone in the house.
  • Even in this situation, if there are 3 or more than 3 Pucca rooms in the house, the benefit of this scheme cannot be obtained.
  • The benefit of this scheme is not granted even if the farmer has 2.5 acres of land and some farming equipment.
  • Farmers with more than 5 acres of land cannot benefit from this scheme either.
  • Note: All families who are not eligible for Saubhagya Yojana can get electricity by paying ₹500.

Documents of Pradhanmantri Saubhagya Yojana (Authority)

  • The application should be made by poor families and those who have no electricity in their house.
  • This free electricity is provided to the poor whose names are included in the socio-economic census.
  • The country’s poor whose names are not included in the census. They have to pay Rs 500 for it which they can pay in 10 installments.
  • Applicant’s Aadhaar Card
  • pan card voter ID
  • proof of address
  • mobile number
  • proof of address
  • passport photo

How to Apply in Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana?

The interested beneficiaries of the country who wish to apply under this Pradhanmantri Saubhagya Yojana can follow the method given below.

  • First of all, the applicant needs to go to the official website of the program. After visiting the official website, the homepage will open in front of you.
  • On this home page you will see the Guest option. You must click on this option.
  • After clicking on the option, you need to click on the option to sign in.
  • After clicking on the option, the next page will open in front of you, on this page you need to enter some information like Role ID and Password.
  • After that, you need to click on the Sign In button. In this way you can complete your registration. Now candidates can access the portal to track electrification progress, monthly goal, achievements, etc.
  • He can also use this online portal to find out when he will be given electricity.

Procedure for downloading PM Saubhagya Yojana Mobile App

  • First of all, you need to open the Google Play Store on your phone.
  • Now you need to type Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana in the search box.
  • After that, you need to click on the Search button.
  • Now a list will open in front of you.
  • You will see the Saubhagya app in this list.
  • You must click on this app.
  • After that, you need to click on the Install button.
  • Once you click the install button, Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya mobile app will be downloaded on your phone.

Implementation of Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana (Saubhagya Yojana)

Modern technology like a mobile app is used to successfully operate the Pradhan Mantri Saubhagya Yojana. Through the household survey is conducted. The beneficiaries will be identified under this program and the beneficiaries will be registered on site. To do this, he will be asked to fill out an application form for the electricity connection together with the photo and proof of identity of the applicant. Gram Panchayat and public institutions in rural areas will be given the responsibility of collecting the application forms along with these documents. Besides this, he is also given responsibility for distributing electricity bills and collecting revenue in consultation with Panchayat Raj institutions and city local bodies. Rural Electrification Corporation Limited has been appointed as the node agency to operate this scheme.

Procedure for viewing information about hoarding

  • First you need to visit Saubhagya Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • After that, you need to click on the Hoard option.
  • Now you have to select the category.
  • After that, you need to enter the information according to the marked category.
  • Now you need to click on the Sign In option.
  • The relevant information will be displayed on your computer screen.

Process for viewing campus-related information

  • First you need to visit Saubhagya Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page you need to click on the option of the camp.
  • After that, a dialog box will pop up in front of you.
  • In this dialog window you need to select the category of the warehouse.
  • Now you have to click on the OK option.
  • Corresponding information will be displayed on your computer screen.

All important download process

  • First you need to visit Saubhagya Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • After that, you have to click on the download option.
  • Now the following options will open in front of you.
  • office memorandum
  • guidelines
  • sign designs
  • Village Sign Board Design District
  • Saubhagya TVC
  • Saubhagya hoarding
  • Prime Minister Saubhagya pamphletSaubhagya logo
  • Saubhagya brochure
  • Saubhagya kiosk
  • good luck certificate
  • GSA leaflet
  • You must click on the option as per your requirement.
  • After that, this PDF file will open in front of you.
  • Now you have to click on the download option.
  • This way you can download the PDF file.

Process to View Gram Swaraj Abhiyan Dashboard

  • First you need to visit Saubhagya Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you need to click on the GSA option.
  • After that, a new page will open in front of you.
  • On this page you will need to select your state, county, village and nightclub.
  • Once you make this selection, information about Gram Swaraj Abhiyan will open in front of you.

PM Saubhagya Yojana helpline number

People of the country who want to get information about PM Saubhagya Yojana or have any problem then the government also set up a hotline number. The poor people of the country can get information about the program by contacting this number which we have given below

  • Saubhagya toll-free hotline: 1800-121-5555
  • DISCOM’s Helpline Numbers PDF

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