(रजिस्ट्रेशन) भारत जन कल्याण योजना 2022: अप्लाई ऑनलाइन, जन कल्याण सुविधा केंद्र

जन कल्याण योजना अप्लाई ऑनलाइन और Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana रजिस्ट्रेशन सर्टिफिकेट डाउनलोड करे एवं योजना के लाभ तथा विशेषताएं जाने

The government is constantly trying to lower the unemployment rate. Various programs are implemented by the government to reduce the unemployment rate. Today we are going to provide you with information about one such program of Madhya Pradesh whose name is Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana. This program will open Jan Kalyan Suvidha Kendras where food will be available at affordable prices. By reading this article you will get all the important information about this program. What is Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana, Its Benefits, Purpose, Eligibility, Features, Important Documents, How to Apply etc. So friends, if you want to get all the important information about this program then you are requested to read this article from us to read to the end.


Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana 2022

Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana was established by the government. Through this program, Jan Kalyan Suvidha Kendras is opened in Madhya Pradesh. Be provided by the ration and groceries at reasonable prices. Through this program, people receive ration items at a low cost. Because of this, middle-class and poor-class people will benefit. Good quality rations and food are provided in these public food centers. Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana 2022 was launched by the government to increase employment opportunities. This program has been started in many districts of Madhya Pradesh. A director and 2 people are appointed in each public convenience center. In this way, 3 people get a job in each center.

20% to 50% discount on purchases set

People’s daily necessities will be available in each center. The special thing about Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana is that each item has a 20% to 50% discount. There is a fixed discount on each product under this program. All those people whose economic situation is weak will get benefits from Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana and they will be able to buy branded goods. To make purchases under this program, people must have cards created. To have this card made you need to go to Jan Suvidha Kendra and hand in a photocopy of the Samagra ID card and the Aadhaar card. After that, your map will be created. Anyone whose cards have been created can shop at these centers.

Key Highlights Of Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana2022

योजना का नाम भारत जन कल्याण योजना
किस ने लांच की मध्य प्रदेश सरकार
लाभार्थी मध्य प्रदेश के नागरिक
उद्देश्य कम दमोह में ब्रांडेड समान की बिक्री करना तथा रोजगार सर्जन करना
साल 2022

Goal by Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana

The main goal of the Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana is to offer the citizens of the state branded goods at low prices and create jobs. Through this program, branded items are made available to citizens at a discount of 20% to 50%. So that their financial situation also improves and they can use good products. Simultaneously, Jan Suvidha Kendras are opened under the Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana, thereby appointing three persons in each Jan Suvidha Kendra. This scheme also increases his officer’s employment in this way.


Domestic industry is also included in the system

All these cottage industries that produce food, if their quality is good, are also included in the Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana. Through this program, a plan was drawn up to encourage all domestic industries and manufacturers to sell food and groceries. All materials sold by domestic industry are tested in the laboratory. If the quality of the material is good afterwards, they are invited to sell. If the buyer files a trademark complaint, that matter will be investigated as a matter of priority, and if a buyer is harmed by a fertilizer, the sale of that food will be stopped and action will also be taken against the food manufacturer. can.


Civic centers are opened in all parts of the city

Under Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana 2022 Jan Suvidha Kendras will be opened in every district of Madhya Pradesh. Public suvidha kendras have also been opened in many districts. Citizens can buy groceries at cheaper prices from Jan Suvidha Kendras. Citizens are given fixed discounts of around 20 to 50% on groceries. Job opportunities will also increase with Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana. Jan Kalyan Suvidha Kendra Outlets opened in Sendhwa. 100 Jan Suvidha Kendras will open in Barwani district and 10 Jan Suvidha Kendras will open in Sendhwa Nagar. All these centers will start providing facilities within a week.


Goods available from Public Suvidha Kendra

  • sugar
  • Refined Oil
  • rice
  • impulses
  • surf laundry
  • tea leaf
  • Spices
  • grams of flour
  • toothpaste
  • toothbrush
  • incense sticks
  • Salt
  • cold cream
  • face wash
  • shampoo
  • toilet cleaner
  • phenyl etc.


Monthly material to be purchased by each beneficiary from Jankalyan Suvidha Kendra
Product Name Per Kg & Gm
चीनी 5 Kg
रिफाइंड ऑयल 2 Kg
चाय 500 gm
हल्दी पाउडर 250 gm
लाल मिर्च पाउडर 250 gm
धनिया पाउडर 250 gm
जीरा साबुत 200 gm
चाट मसाला 200 gm
गरम मसाला 200 gm
छोले मसाला 100 gm
चिकन मसाला 100 gm
सरसों का तेल 2 Kg
नमक 2 Kg
चना दाल 2 Kg
अरहर दाल 2 Kg
मूंग दाल 2 Kg
मूंग 2 Kg
उड़द दाल 2 Kg
सफेद उर्द दल 2 Kg
मसरी दाल 2 Kg
अरहर दाल 2 Kg
चना बेसन 2 Kg
चावल 20 Kg
हॉर्लिक्स 2 Kg
सर्फ 2 Kg
टॉयलेट soap 5 pcs
नहाने का साबुन 5 pcs
डिटॉल का हैंड वॉश 2 pcs
शैंपू 2 pcs
विम बार 5 pcs
टूथपेस्ट 2 pcs
टूथ ब्रश 5 pcs
हेयर ऑयल 2 pcs

भारत जनकल्याण सुविधा केंद्र खोलने के लिए जॉब प्रोफाइल

जिला स्तर पर
पोस्ट का नाम डिस्ट्रिक्ट प्रोजेक्ट ऑफिसर
पोस्ट 1
शैक्षिक योग्यता ग्रेजुएशन/एमबीए
आयु 21 से 35 वर्ष
जेंडर M/F
एक्सपीरियंस 2 साल
वेतन 18000/– (15000+3000)


ब्लॉक स्तर पर
पोस्ट का नाम जोनल ऑफिसर
पोस्ट 2
शैक्षिक योग्यता ग्रेजुएशन/एमबीए
आयु 21 से 35 वर्ष
जेंडर M/F
एक्सपीरियंस 2 साल
वेतन 15000/–(12000+3000)


पंचायत स्तर पर
पोस्ट का नाम फील्ड ऑफिसर
पोस्ट 1 पोस्ट 2 पंचायत
शैक्षिक योग्यता 12th
आयु 21 से 35 वर्ष
जेंडर M/F
एक्सपीरियंस 1 साल
वेतन 10000/–


About the Public Welfare Facilitation Center

Jan Suvidha Kendra is a kind of retail store that will open in every village, town and town. Jankalyan cards are made available to beneficiaries through these centers. Through which the beneficiaries can make purchases. Jan Kalyan Kendras must provide a certificate of residence from Gram Panchayat Mukhiya / Ward Councilor. Through these centers, Jankalyan card holders are provided with food, fertilizers, agricultural seeds, Ayurvedic products, plants, etc. at a price lower than the market price. So that your daily needs can be met. If a beneficiary does not have a card, they can obtain their card by presenting a written certificate from the member of Gram Pradhan Panchayat. The main goal of this program is to provide the poor citizens with the highest quality products. Citizens’ living standards are also improved by Engine Welfare Centers.


Jankalyan Suvidha Kendra business module income

Under the Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana, an overall gain of 5% can be achieved through the Jan Kalyan Suvidha Kendra.
If there are 2000 cardholders in each Jan Kalyan Kendra and each cardholder buys £2000 per month, the total sale value is 40 lakh.
5% of Rs 40 lakh will be Rs 2 lakh.
Up to ₹200,000 can be earned monthly from a social welfare center.


भारत जनकल्याण केंद्र पर निवेश
किराया ₹4000
शॉपकीपर की वेतन ₹9000
इंटरनेट तथा बिजली का बिल ₹2000
कुल खर्च ₹15000


Benefits and Features of Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana 2022

  • This program was started to create jobs and offer branded products at low prices.
  • Public convenience centers will be opened as part of this program.
  • Through these Jan Suvidha Kendras, rations and food are provided at reasonable prices.
  • Through this system, people receive ration items at low cost.
  • Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana 2022 will benefit middle and poor people.
  • Good quality ration and groceries are provided in public shopping malls.
  • Employment opportunities will also increase as a result of this program.
  • This program has been started in many districts of Madhya Pradesh.
  • In each public facility center, an operator and 2 people are appointed.
  • In this way, 3 people get a job in each center.
  • Under this program, citizens are given a discount ranging from 20% to 50%.
  • Under Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana 2022, there is a fixed discount on each product.
  • Under this system, people have to create cards for purchases.
  • To have this card made you need to go to Jan Suvidha Kendra and hand in a photocopy of the Samagra ID card and the Aadhaar card.
  • Domestic industries can also sell their wares through these Jan Suvidha Kendras.
  • Their ingredients are tested in the lab before they can be sold.
  • If the quality of the material is good, they are sold in the Jan Suvidha Kendra.


जनकल्याण सुविधा केंद्र खोलने के लिए जरूरी मानदंड

वह सभी लोग जो जनकल्याण सुविधा केंद्र खोलना चाहते हैं उनको निम्नलिखित मानदंडों को पूरा करना होगा।

आउटलेट का माप 15″15 स्क्वायर फिट
कंप्यूटर सुविधा इंटरनेट कनेक्शन के साथ कंप्यूटर होना अनिवार्य है।
निवेश नियुन्तम 2 लाख
आउटलेट लाइसेंस फीस Rs 35000


Authorization and important documents
  • It is mandatory that the applicant is a permanent resident of Madhya Pradesh.
  • Aadhar card
  • Composite ID
  • Proof of residence
  • Income certificate
  • ration coupon
  • passport photo
  • mobile number


Procedure to apply to open Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana Center

  • First you need to go to Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you need to click on the Apply Online tab.
  • After that, you need to click on the Apply Jan Kalyan Suvidha Kendra link.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you asking for information such as District Name, Your Name, Supply Depot Name, Cell Phone Number, PIN Code, Email ID, Bank Details, Nominee Details etc. are asked.
  • After that, you need to upload all the important documents.
  • Now you need to click on Send Now option.
  • This is how you can apply to open a Jan Kalyan Suvidha Kendra.


Process to Download Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana Registration Certificate
  • First you need to go to Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • You must click on the registration link on the home page.
  • After that, a new page will open in front of you, where you need to enter the registration number.
  • Now you need to click on the Search button.
  • The registration certificate will appear on your computer screen.
  • You can download it by clicking on the download option.


Company profile download process

  • First you need to go to Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you need to click on the Our Services tab.
  • After that, you need to click on the company profile link.
  • Now a new page will open in front of you where you need to click on the link to download the business profile as PDF.
  • Once you click on this link, the company profile in PDF format will open in front of you.
  • After that, you have to click on the download option.
  • In this way you can download the company profile.
  • Once you click on this link, the company profile in PDF format will open in front of you.
  • After that, you have to click on the download option.
  • In this way you can download the company profile.


Job profile download process

  • First you need to go to Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana official website.
  • Now the home page will open in front of you.
  • On the home page, you need to click on the Our Services tab.
  • Now you need to click on the job profile link.
  • After that, you need to click on the Download Job Profile PDF link.
  • As soon as you click on this link, the job profile in PDF format will open in front of you.
  • After that, you have to click on the download option.
  • This way you can download the job profile.
  • After that, you need to click on the Download Job Profile PDF link.
  • As soon as you click on this link, the job profile in PDF format will open in front of you.
  • After that, you have to click on the download option.
  • This way you can download the job profile.


contact information

In this article, we have provided you with all the essential information about Bharat Jan Kalyan Yojana. If you are still facing problems, you can contact us using the contact details below to solve your problem. Some of the contact details are as follows.

  • Address – Head Office: Plot No. 20-21, New Basti, Nahar Road, Saidpur Jageer Lucknow-226031 India
  • Email to Id-bharat.jankalyan@rediffmail.com
  • Helpline number – +91-8120228066

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