पीएम जनता कर्फ्यू: Coronavirus से बचाव के लिए 22 मार्च को देश भर में Janta Curfew

PM Janta Curfew | Coronavirus से बचाव | 22 मार्च को 14 घंटो तक जनता कर्फ्यू का उद्देश्य | कोरोना वायरस पीएम जनता कर्फ्यू

The Honorable Prime Minister of our country, Shri Narendra Modi, has appealed to all citizens of the country for a Janta curfew. The Honorable Prime Minister said in his speech that a public curfew will be imposed on March 22, a Sunday, to protect the country’s citizens from the corona virus. During this public curfew on Sunday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., all compatriots should not leave their homes. All compatriots must follow this curfew by Prime Minister Janata. During this period, no one should go to the village, go to the market or gather on the streets. Come, today we will convey to you the message that the Prime Minister has given to all compatriots through this article.


Janta curfew across the country to prevent coronavirus

The whole world is in a very serious period due to the coronavirus epidemic. Even during the First World War there was not as much trouble because of the corona virus as there is now. PM was to carry the message of the Janta curfew to the people of the country and make them aware of the curfew imposed by the government on Sunday, March 22nd. By following Janta Curfew we can make a big contribution to stopping this virus. Janta curfew for the people, by the people, because it’s a self-imposed curfew. So far, science has not been able to find a solution to avoid the corona epidemic, nor has a vaccine been produced. Until such time as no solution/vaccine is found to avoid this corona virus, we all compatriots must support government efforts to avoid corona virus..

Target of PM Janata’s curfew

All compatriots must be wondering what will happen with the 14-hour Janata curfew on Sunday and what will happen if it is imposed. Let us tell you what will happen with the 14-hour public curfew. There are many people who do not know that the lifespan of the corona virus in a place is 12 hours, which means that the corona virus in a place stays alive for 12 hours after contact with the particle, creating the risk of corona – Virus particles are transmitted to others. So the public curfew will be in place for 14 hours, even after that very few people leave after 9am at night. Will go out so no one will be in public areas where Corona is spreading which will break chain of Corona virus and what we get after 14 hours will be safe country.

corona virus symptoms
  • Let us tell you that after the corona virus reaches a person’s body, it infects his lungs. Because of this first fever, then comes a dry cough. Breathing problems can occur later.
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Complaint of chest pain
  • feel unnecessarily tired

Some precautions to avoid and prevent the spread of the Corona virus

To save the country from this epidemic, read all these things carefully and use them in your life.

  • Each person should wash their hands repeatedly with soap and use disinfectant and hand wash.
  • Use tissues when coughing and sneezing, throw away the used tissue and wash your hands thoroughly.
  • If a person is sick, keep a few feet away from them.
  • Don’t touch your eyes, nose, ears and mouth without washing your hands.
  • Anyone who thinks they have been infected should avoid going to the doctor, pharmacy or hospital and should contact their local health worker by phone or online for more information.
  • If you go out somewhere or travel far away then go with a mask on your face.

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